The findings create a rich source of early data and learning points to inform program design, practice and impact measurement moving forward. This perfectly aligns with our continuing strong commitment to the journey of building evidence that demonstrates the impact of the HOPE Program.
The evaluation highlighted several key findings regarding its impact on young families. The program significantly helped participants improve their circumstances and build confidence, knowledge, and skills in various areas based on their individual needs.
Key Findings:
Meeting Immediate Needs
Most participants received support to address their immediate basic needs, such as baby supplies, household items, and assistance in finding temporary or permanent accommodation. This immediate support was crucial in creating stability and provided a foundation for further progress.
Parenting Skills
Participants increased their confidence, knowledge, and use of positive parenting strategies. This improvement came through working closely with Family Workers and participating in referred programs, such as Circle of Security and sleep support clinics for mothers and babies.
Community Connections
Participants gained greater awareness of other available service providers and connected with other families in the community, which helped to build a supportive network.
Educational and Employment Support
Some participants benefited from practical assistance, such as resume writing, which helped them work towards educational and employment aspirations. This support
was pivotal in empowering them to pursue further education or employment opportunities.
Program Success Factors
The evaluation identified the quality of the relationship between participants and Family Workers as a critical contributor to positive change and strong engagement with the HOPE program. Effective processes around intake, assessment, goal setting, case planning, and case management were proven pivotal in achieving program outcomes.
Affirmations and positive reinforcement were also key features of high quality participant-practitioner relationships, which fostered a sense of safety and acceptance among participants. This supportive environment increased young mother’s capacity and confidence to better address challenges and pursue
their aspirations for a better life.
Overall, ACU’s evaluation underscores the importance of tailored support and strong, trusting relationships in helping young mothers improve their circumstances and achieve their goals.

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